Positive Communication Habits And Thought Process
"Positive communication" does not mean every time you talk you spew rainbows and butterflies or every word is like a unicorns laughter (but wouldn’t that be interesting?)
It is actually about taking responsibility in how we communicate, understanding our thoughts, emotions and acting toward a mutual and positive outcome for yourself and whom ever you are communicating with.

Words Have Power
The Words We Wear
Being a father blessed to still have both of my parents with me, I often find myself reflecting on my own mortality. I think about what impact have I had, am I having and will I have in the future. I’m humbled by the hypocrisy that life holds as...
Less points, more connections
Idle conversation can be very easy. When you start to talk about something of substance, it is great to have a goal of understanding or a conclusion in mind. Venting is not a conversation. It is letting someone know how you feel or felt. Sometimes we bottle up things...
Auto-correct yourself
Microsoft Word (MSW), the popular word processing program, has a feature that helps correct misspelled words. Well, they realized the large number of businesses, organizations and groups that exist are accompanied by their own individual ways of speaking and thus new words would be born…even if they are synonymous...